The Difference Between ERPNext vs. Tally for Accounting Software

October 10, 2022

The Difference Between ERPNext vs. Tally for Accounting Software

As a business owner, choosing the right accounting software can have a significant impact on your productivity and overall success. Two popular options in the market are ERPNext and Tally. In this post, we'll take an unbiased look at both solutions and compare them across various parameters.

Overview and Pricing

ERPNext is an open-source, cloud-based ERP platform that offers comprehensive accounting and financial management features. It is priced on a per-user basis, with a free plan and paid plans ranging from $15 to $50 per user per month, making it an affordable option for small to medium-sized businesses.

On the other hand, Tally is a desktop-based accounting software that has been around for over 30 years. It's known for its simplicity, ease of use, and affordability. Tally has a one-time payment, starting at $630 for a single-user license, which makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious businesses.


ERPNext has a robust feature set that covers a wide range of accounting functions such as general ledger, accounts payable/ receivable, payroll, and inventory management. It also has additional features such as project management, customer relationship management, and supply chain management, making it an all-in-one solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations.

Tally, on the other hand, offers basic accounting features such as billing, inventory management, and financial statements. It lacks more advanced features such as project management, customer relationship management, or supply chain management.

User Interface and Ease of Use

ERPNext has a modern and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, making it user-friendly for businesses of all sizes. It's designed for easy onboarding, and users can quickly get up and running with the platform.

Tally, on the other hand, has a more traditional, text-heavy interface that can be challenging for new users to learn. It has a steeper learning curve than ERPNext and can take longer to master.


ERPNext is a highly customizable platform that allows businesses to tailor the software to their specific needs. Users can create custom reports, dashboards, and workflows with ease.

Tally, on the other hand, lacks customization options. The software has limitations on report customization, which can be frustrating for companies that require detailed financial reporting.

Support and Integrations

ERPNext offers community support through forums and documentation, as well as paid support plans for businesses that require more hands-on assistance. The platform also has a marketplace with a wide variety of third-party integrations.

Tally has a dedicated support team for its users but only during business hours. It also has fewer integrations than ERPNext, making it less suitable for companies that require a high level of automation.


ERPNext and Tally are both excellent accounting software solutions, each with its strengths and weaknesses. ERPNext is ideal for businesses looking for an all-in-one solution with advanced features and customization options, while Tally is perfect for small to medium-sized businesses on a tight budget.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision on which software is best suited for your business needs.


  1. ERPNext pricing. Retrieved from
  2. Tally software pricing. Retrieved from
  3. ERPNext features. Retrieved from
  4. Tally features. Retrieved from
  5. ERPNext customization. Retrieved from
  6. Tally customization. Retrieved from
  7. ERPNext support. Retrieved from
  8. Tally support. Retrieved from

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